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Palmer Louis


Palmer Louis
initiator & tour director & driver
When the whole worlds is talking about Global Warming, it's time to show the solutions!

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Reaching Kolkata - end of leg 4!17.11.2007

Tags: India       Comments: 6

Picture of the day

Yeah! We have reached Kolkata and the end of our 4th leg! We get a warm welcome by the people of Moonlight Engineering Company. They have invented a risksha with a 200 l fuel tank and a 300 W solar panel. This is a mobile, solar powered fuel station, for filling the tanks of generators and traktors in rural areas.

Later, we have a press conference at the Swimming Club and then meet Gon Chaudhuri from the Spacial Secretary, Power, of the Government of West Bengal. We can park the solartaxi at his very nice Energy Education Centre. Here the people of West Bengal can learn everything about renewable energies like biomass, solar and wind. I'm impressed about the efforts of the West Bengal Government to promote renewable energies. I learn that in the area of the Sundarbans there are 400 solar power installations. May be I'll find the time to go there...

Now we are ready for shipping the solartaxi to Bali to the United Nations World Climate Conference, but first we have to wait for customs clearance from Indonesia.


by: Dirk Junghans

20.11.2007 05:11

Halllo Louis,

sehr schöne und interessant Bilder! Endlich ist die neue Seite freigeschalten und sie gefällt mir wirklich schon sehr gut. Wann werden die restlichen Sachen wie "Mission" "Technologie"...endlich freigeschalten. Akhmed hat sich inzwischen gemeldet und möchte die Seite ins Russische üebertragen und bis zum Ende der Tour begleiten.
Ich werde ein Auge auf den Content haben.

Ich wünsche dir einen vollen Erfolg auf der Klimakonferenz!

Gruss aus der Schwyz,

by: BK Ganguly

22.11.2007 07:11

Hallo Mr. Palmer Luis -

Dear Sir,

I happened to come across and talk with u at Cargo Terminal of Calcutta Airport on 21/11 afternoon, when all were planning how to pack ur taxi in flight to Bali.

I was really impressed by ur explanations on my technical querries regading its capacity, capability of both side (left & right)driving etc. Now, ur site has impressed me as well. But a bit more technical specifications could be added at this site for informing more people across the globe, in more detail.

One little correction - if u dont mind : the new name of this city is "KOLKATA", earlier it was "CALCUTTA" & in Deutch it is known as "KALKUTTA".

Wish u a very healthy & successful journey sir.


---- BIRAJ, an employee of Airports Authority of India, Kolkata

by: Jyotirmoy Roy

23.11.2007 10:11

Hi Louis,

I have seen the news paper exposures that you sent me and hope you enjoyed your visit in my city, KOLKATA. I hope we can meet in London when you will be in UK.

I am agree with B.K. Ganguly that if you could add some more advantages of the SOLARTAXI that would be great. It implies that many people are getting interest into renewable energies which is very important to stop global warming.

Wish you and your team an enjoyable journey with excellent mood.

Jyotirmoy Roy, CREST, Loughborough University, UK

by: andipoooooran

23.11.2007 01:11

PODA PATI........


23.04.2008 11:04

it is the right time to use energy oyjer then traditional one, otherwise our future will not be so more in our favour, GOOD LUCK to all the assosiates who pay their lots of contributions towards

by: Abhishek USA

05.12.2008 06:12

Hi Louis,

Glad, you had a nice time visiting my city..the warm..n city of joy...kolkata.

I am wondering, with the technical specifications you gave, & the robustness & stability of the vehicle, how good it will be for rush hour the big cities in India...or for the long drives in the interstates in the US.


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