Welcome to the first world tour of a vehicle powered only by solar energy!
Reaching Kolkata - end of leg 4!17.11.2007
Comments: 6
Yeah! We have reached Kolkata and the end of our 4th leg! We get a warm welcome by the people of Moonlight Engineering Company. They have invented a risksha with a 200 l fuel tank and a 300 W solar panel. This is a mobile, solar powered fuel station, for filling the tanks of generators and traktors in rural areas.
Later, we have a press conference at the Swimming Club and then meet Gon Chaudhuri from the Spacial Secretary, Power, of the Government of West Bengal. We can park the solartaxi at his very nice Energy Education Centre. Here the people of West Bengal can learn everything about renewable energies like biomass, solar and wind. I'm impressed about the efforts of the West Bengal Government to promote renewable energies. I learn that in the area of the Sundarbans there are 400 solar power installations. May be I'll find the time to go there...
Now we are ready for shipping the solartaxi to Bali to the United Nations World Climate Conference, but first we have to wait for customs clearance from Indonesia.
by: Dirk Junghans
20.11.2007 05:11
Halllo Louis,
sehr schöne und interessant Bilder! Endlich ist die neue Seite freigeschalten und sie gefällt mir wirklich schon sehr gut. Wann werden die restlichen Sachen wie "Mission" "Technologie"...endlich freigeschalten. Akhmed hat sich inzwischen gemeldet und möchte die Seite ins Russische üebertragen und bis zum Ende der Tour begleiten.
Ich werde ein Auge auf den Content haben.
Ich wünsche dir einen vollen Erfolg auf der Klimakonferenz!
Gruss aus der Schwyz,